The Baby Boomers' Menopause Handbook
Through the
Other End of Puberty
In 1994, as I began thinking about my own menopause, I wondered what other women’s experiences were like. As a journalist for a local magazine, I interviewed perimenopausal and menopausal women about their menopause experiences: Anglos, Hispanics, Black women, women from India, Asian women. It has been fun, enlightening, and validating. I share their experiences and my own in the hopes that you too will feel validated and informed!
The Baby Boomers' Menopause Handbook is user friendly. Read it through and highlight the areas of importance to you. If there are words or terms that you do not understand, definitions are in the glossary in Chapter 10. This is a guidebook; consequently, all of your questions may not be answered here. Throughout the book and in the resource guide at the back of the book is information about places to find more answers.
This book is a resource to help you access information and to help simplify some of the information that is available. It is a combination of my research and the experiences of many other women. There are places that will touch you personally and speak to you. Use what is valuable to you. Leave the rest. After all, only you know what is best for you. Trust your own instincts and read all you can in order to educate yourself. Good Luck! I’m on your side!